Spatial development concept Pratteln

Spatial development concept Pratteln

Project title:

Räumliches Entwicklungskonzept Pratteln (Leitideen, Zukunftsbild, Teilstrategien, Massnahmen und Umsetzung), 2022-2024

Main themes:

Participation, integral planning of urbanisation and mobility, urban development vision, strategic urbanism, regional position, spatial dynamics, innovative city, generous landscape, activate urban agriculture, ecological connection, landscape lines, transit oriented development, main streets als life lines, structurizing public transport system, multimodal transfer points, commercial streets, densily planted streets and urban squares, management of industrial and commercial sites, productive city, varied offer of housing types, cooperative housing, urban infill strategy, green routes, polycentric development, attractive district centers, new town center.


Van de Wetering Atelier für Städtebau GmbH (Federführung; Städtebau, Stadtentwicklung), uniola Landschaftsarchitektur (Landschaft), moveIng (Verkehr).


Community of Pratteln

Pratteln has developed noticeably and visibly in recent years. This is underlined by the neighbourhood plans at the railway station and the lively construction activity in the wider municipal area. As in the past - after the establishment of the Rhine salt works and the railway connection - the municipality is still operating in the dynamic environment of the Basel region. But the framework conditions are changing: Working, living, leisure and mobility are changing and becoming more diverse. Development areas are finite and nature is receiving more attention.

Despite all this dynamism, what has been lacking to date is a balanced and broad-based perspective. The spatial development concept closes this gap and takes an overall view of Pratteln. It brings together the topics of settlement, open space, climate, energy and mobility and defines a coherent perspective in the vision for the future. Thematic sub-strategies and various measures (object sheets) show how the vision for the future is to be implemented. What was still fragmented and disparate a few years ago will gradually be brought together.