OPR Ostermundigen: cantonal preliminary review
OPR Ostermundigen: cantonal preliminary review

One special feature is the “Corso Zone”: the specific set of rules for qualitative development along the main axis Bernstrasse.

We are CORSO!
We are CORSO!

Van de Wetering Atelier für Städtebau is now called CORSO! Together with a dedicated team, Roman Hanimann and Han van de Wetering are opening a new chapter for the office as equal partners.

Urban spaces Basel main station: green and car-free!
Urban spaces Basel main station: green and car-free!

The project for the urban space around Basel's main railway station shows that the future of station squares is green and car-free! This is the only way to cope with the enormous traffic flows (300,000 pedestrians per day, 120 trams per hour) and keep the area pleasant in terms of urban climate.

Book launch Werk - high-rise buildings
Book launch Werk - high-rise buildings

In his article "Masterplans, not exclusion zones" Han van de Wetering advocates positive planning for municipal high-rise-building concepts. Book launch, 24.9.2024 in Zug.

Conference EPFL Lausanne
Conference EPFL Lausanne

Lecture by Han van de Wetering: how to bring quality, sustainability and dialog into communal planning.

Exposition ZAZ Bellerive
Exposition ZAZ Bellerive

Exhibition of winning projects from competitions in the city and canton of Zurich (from 2022 to 2024). We will be showing the Zurich Main Station - Central Square project. Vernissage 5.9.2024, 19h.

Clear YES to the REK Pratteln!
Clear YES to the REK Pratteln!

With the clear YES vote, the residents' council emphasises its approval of the spatial development concept (REK) and the drafting of a structure plan. This sends a clear signal for the development of a new town centre near the railway station, better connections across the railway tracks and the revaluation of public spaces.

Vision Territoriale Transfrontalière 2050
Vision Territoriale Transfrontalière 2050

Net zero and 400,000 new inhabitants by 2050? The Territorial Cross-border Vision 2050 of the Grand Genève region shows how it must be done!

Future Train Station Biel
Future Train Station Biel
The test-study has been completed! In a team with Basler Hofmann, Uniola and Archipel, we developed a visionary design concept for the Biel railroad station area.
PAL Fribourg
PAL Fribourg
The municipal council adopts the revised local planning! For almost 10 years, we accompanied the city and developed the densification strategy, the high-rise concept and the municipal structure plans.
Conference network multimodal interfaces
Conference network multimodal interfaces
Han van de Wetering and Samira Neuse (SBB) will organise a session on building culture and public space at multimodal transfer points. Also a presentation on “courageous railway station urbanism” and the importance of well thought-out, integral designs.
Shortlisted for the SIA prize!
Shortlisted for the SIA prize!
Net zero 2050 is enshrined in law. However, this is rarely addressed in the future visions for urban development. The territorial vision for Geneva is an exception and provides completely new insights and solutions.
Freeway A2 overlay, Lucerne
Freeway A2 overlay, Lucerne
The test study for covering the A2 in Kriens / Lucerne has been completed. More information on this website!
Station site Uetikon am See, 1st. prize!
Station site Uetikon am See, 1st. prize!
Together with Metron and Uniola, we win the competition for the Uetikon am See train station site!
Hochparterre Themenheft Pratteln
Hochparterre Themenheft Pratteln
Article about our REK (spatial development concept) and what the planning instrument - if done right - can do for a large, dynamic suburban municipality.
PAL Neuchâtel
PAL Neuchâtel
10 km lakeshore, 10 km forest edge and in between the steep Jura mountain slope with a less than 1 km wide, 10 km long city. Neuchâtel is unique in urbanistic terms, for which we have developed a very city-specific urban development concept together with Team+.
Vision Seetal-Allee, Emmen
Vision Seetal-Allee, Emmen
The synthesis for the Seetalstrasse in Emmen is available! Traffic is seen here as an urban planning opportunity. The vision is not a utopian, traffic-free place, but a dynamic, highly frequented, representative urban space.
Lviv Urban Forum
Lviv Urban Forum
Urs Thomann is a speaker at the Lviv Urban Forum and uses the example of Vinnytsia to talk about the added value of an integral approach in urban planning.
ZMB 2nd tram corridor, Berne
ZMB 2nd tram corridor, Berne
How do you run a second tram line corridor through a Unesco World Heritage Site? From an urban planning point of view, this is an extremely interesting but difficult question. The interim result with 3 possible variants now goes into public participation.
Info event Masterplan Winterthur Süd
Info event Masterplan Winterthur Süd
Everything solved! The Masterplan shows the importance of creativity, design, thinking and an integral approach to urban development. This is the only way to create sustainable solutions!
Urban space Motorway A2 Kriens - Lucerne
Urban space Motorway A2 Kriens - Lucerne
Our 10m2 working model is the starting point for constructive, active participation; good inputs from the population and great media echo!
Masterplan Winterthur Süd
Masterplan Winterthur Süd
The Winterthur-Süd masterplan is regarded as a liberation and unique opportunity for future urban and mobility development. Now it has been so convincing at cantonal level that the most important contents are already integrated in the cantonal structure plan!
Vision territoriale transfrontalière 2050
Vision territoriale transfrontalière 2050
"An unprecedented methodological and ideological turnaround": article in Tracés on the new PACA planning and the cross-border territorial vision for a CO2-neutral agglomeration of Geneva. VDW is working on the PACA Rhône in a team with GGau, mrs, Base, Linkfabric and others.
Design guide Streets and Squares, city of Zug
Design guide Streets and Squares, city of Zug
Back to pragmatism: shared instead of separated space, Swiss instead of Dutch bicycle solutions, lane stops instead of bus bays, wide multifunctional walking areas for pedestrian traffic, appropriation, greening and retention.
Guide Building Culture, City of Zug
Guide Building Culture, City of Zug
Building culture in local planning: the city of Zug is breaking new ground with the guide "Baukultur in den Quartieren". With different, integral design criteria, it lays the foundation for a qualitative, sustainable, specific further development of the city's 21 residential and mixed-use neighborhoods.
Central Station District Biel
Central Station District Biel
We are one of the selected teams for the test planning about the urban restructuring of the central station district. Collaboration with Basler Hofmann, Uniola and Archipel.
Urban Reconstruction Ukraine, 24.11.2022
Urban Reconstruction Ukraine, 24.11.2022
The housing districts and civil infrastructure destroyed by Russia need to be rebuilt. In order to interest young Ukrainians in urban development careers, Han van de Wetering talks for the NGO Stem-is-Fem about urbanism, the versatility of the profession, the opportunities and the importance of integral projects.
Agglomeration programm Rivelac
Agglomeration programm Rivelac
We have won the tender to develop the agglomeration programme of Rivelac (Montreux - Vevey), one of the most scenically spectacular urban regions in Switzerland. Collaboration with Güller Güller (lead), mrs, Linkfabric, ADR a.o.
Werk, Texte zur Baukultur
Werk, Texte zur Baukultur
With the article « Mehr Städtebau in der Ortsplanung », Roman Hanimann pleads for new and better planning instruments.
National conference
National conference
Swiss League against Noise: Laurence Beuchat talks about the topic of noise in urbanism and traffic planning ; significance, challenges, contexts, solutions.
Urban space motorway A2, Lucerne
Urban space motorway A2, Lucerne
VDW is one of the selected teams for the test-study urban space motorway A2 in the Lucerne-Region!
Ukraine Recovery Conference 2022
Ukraine Recovery Conference 2022
As a specialist for strategic urban and regional development in Ukraine, Urs Thomann has been invited to the "Ukraine Recovery Conference" (URC2022) in Lugano.
PACA Rhône
PACA Rhône
VDW is selected for the PACA Rhône in the «Grand Geneva» region! Collaboration with Güller Güller, Base, mrs, Linkfabric a.o.
Congress Regionet Leuven (B)
Congress Regionet Leuven (B)
The 27th of june Han van de Wetering is keynote speaker at the Regionet Leuven congress. The central theme is the regional coordination of urban development and transport at the interface between town and countryside.
Masterplan Zurich Central Station
Masterplan Zurich Central Station
VDW was one of the selected teams for the 2nd stage of the test study "Zurich Central Station". With Basler Hofmann, Hager and Albprojekte, we developped an ambitious, visionary, but realistic and feasible concept for the most frequented urban area in Switzerland.
Charrette station district Thun
Charrette station district Thun
The first Charrette-Workshop has taken place! As one of the 3 selected interdisciplinary design teams (GGAU, mrs, HSLU, Lorenz Eugster) We develop - within a special, open, participatory planning process - an integral, viable solution for the station district of Thun.
Lake shore Wollishofen, Zurich
Lake shore Wollishofen, Zurich
VDW is selected to develop urban scenarios for one of the most popular lake shore areas of Zurich ! Collaboration with Bryum (landscape) and Cabane (social and economic development).
Masterplan South Winterthur
Masterplan South Winterthur
Great media response to our radical masterplan for the south of Winterthur with a relocated motorway, new Dättnau train station and a continuous water space for the Töss-River.
Conference EspaceSuisse, Neuchâtel
Conference EspaceSuisse, Neuchâtel
Debate and lecture by Han van de Wetering on the topic « Liveable town centres thanks to or despite traffic »
Strategic Masterplan Pratteln
Strategic Masterplan Pratteln
We have been selected to elaborate the urban development vision for the dynamic industrial suburban town of Pratteln!
1st prize competition Business Park Trist in Chur!
1st prize competition Business Park Trist in Chur!
Urban design for a sustainable, high-quality business district for SME, collaboration with Grand Paysage. We are very much looking forward to working on the project!
Train station district Lenzburg
Train station district Lenzburg
Article in the «Aargauer Zeitung» about our vision for the new train station of Lenzburg
High density cooperative housing Im Herrlig, Zurich
High density cooperative housing Im Herrlig, Zurich
More dwellings, more open space, more community: based on our test planning design, the ABZ housing cooperative is densifying the Im Herrlig housing district in Zurich
«Project together: The future of Living», TU Delft
«Project together: The future of Living», TU Delft
Seminar «Financing collaborative housing», discussion with Han van de Wetering about financing cooperative housing projects
Publication Hochparterre, Canton of Solothurn
Publication Hochparterre, Canton of Solothurn
The new issue deals with two of our projects: the test-study All-Gäu and the New Station Square in Olten.
Urserntal tourism region
Urserntal tourism region
The regional development concept (REK) for theUrserntal tourism region (Göschenen, Andermatt, Realp, Hospental) has been completed. More information on this website!
Regional development strategy All-Gäu
Regional development strategy All-Gäu
Participation and completion of the test study: more information on this website !
Masterplan Zürich HB/Central
Masterplan Zürich HB/Central
Our Team has been selected for the 2nd stage!
Architekturforum Thun
Architekturforum Thun
Conference by Han van de Wetering about new qualities in Swiss urbanism, Waaghaus in Thun, 18:30h
Greater Berne Area: architecture walks by the Forum Architecture Berne
Greater Berne Area: architecture walks by the Forum Architecture Berne
Presentation and tour by Urs Thomann about the development vision for the eastern suburbs of Berne.
Future Public Transport Zurich
Future Public Transport Zurich
Half-metro ring line, S-Bahn districts, strong trolley bus axes: our ideas - developed on the basis of customer wishes - will be pursued! These new elements will fundamentally change the public transport system of the city of Zurich. Collaboration with Metron Transport Planning.
Regional Nature Park Pfyn-Finges
Regional Nature Park Pfyn-Finges
The team Infraconsult, Planax and VDW have been selected to develop the intercommunal structure plan for the Pfyn-Finges Nature Park!
Urban development Sarnen
Urban development Sarnen
We have been selected to elaborate the urban development vision and new zoning plan for the pre-alpine town of Sarnen!
Urban rail system CEVA, Geneva
Urban rail system CEVA, Geneva
Theme issue by Hochparterre on the CEVA urban rail system, with our masterplan as the central planning basis for a coordinated transport and urban development.
Office excursion Chur-Surselva
Office excursion Chur-Surselva
12-14 June
Thun Nord: Train station development
Thun Nord: Train station development
Together with Güller Güller, mrs and Westpol we have developed the overall urban development concept for the district around the new train station Thun Nord. More information coming soon on our website!
Atuprix 2021
Atuprix 2021
Han van de Wetering is member of the jury.
Business districts region of Laufental / Thierstein
Business districts region of Laufental / Thierstein
For the dynamic, rural region of Laufental / Thierstein VDW elaborated an overall concept for the coordinated development of business districts. More information on this website soon!
Extended main station, Lucerne
Extended main station, Lucerne
Article in Hochparterre about the new underground train station in Lucerne and our proposition for a traffic free station square.
New central station of Lucerne
New central station of Lucerne
The new central train station of Lucerne is a project of the century, the results of the test study have been published. VDW led one of the three selected teams, more information on this website.
Dialogue process A5 Motorway, Biel
Dialogue process A5 Motorway, Biel
The dialogue process is over, the official motorway project is abandoned. The recommendations represent a major paradigm shift in urban and mobility planning: a source of inspiration for other cities. Read more in the expert report on this website!
Village centres, Schaffhausen
Village centres, Schaffhausen
The city council approved the guideline plans for the 3 village centers of Buchthalen, Hemmental and Herblingen!
International Bauforum, Magistralen in Hamburg
International Bauforum, Magistralen in Hamburg
The book "Put People First" documents the results of the Bauforum Hamburg on the topic of inner-city main transport axes. VDW was one of 14 international offices invited and worked on the Steindamm - Meinendorferstrasse main street together with, among others, SMAQ, André Poitiers and WES Landschaftsarchitekten.
Urban Academy Zhytomyr UA
Urban Academy Zhytomyr UA
On the future development of Ukrainian city centers, VDW is organizing a workshop procedure as part of the "Urban Academy" project; conference on 26.11. in Zhytomyr by Burkhard Horn, Urs Thomann and Han van de Wetering.
MSP Masterplan Centro Città - Lungolago Lugano
MSP Masterplan Centro Città - Lungolago Lugano
VDW is one of the selected teams! Collaboration with Studio Bürgi, Mateo Arquitectura, Emch+Berger and Anastasi+ Partners.
Regional Vision All-Gäu
Regional Vision All-Gäu
VDW has been selected to develop a spatial vision for the rural region of All-Gäu!
Swiss landscape congress 2020
Swiss landscape congress 2020
Pascal Posset (Hager) and Han van de Wetering talk about future urban landscapes and the importance of integral solutions.
Symposium "Taking back housing"
Symposium about housing in the city, 16.10 in Rotterdam, organized by the "International New Town Institute" and the "Independent School for the City". Input by Han van de Wetering about new cooperative housing models.
Office excursion Lausanne and Pays de Vaud
Office excursion Lausanne and Pays de Vaud
From 25th to 27th of September
T9 Turtmann
T9 Turtmann
Redesign of the Main Street of Turtmann: We are one of the selected teams!
Forum Architektur Winterthur
Forum Architektur Winterthur
Event "district stations": Han van de Wetering talks about the future of suburban train stations.
Spatial Masterplan Salgesch
Spatial Masterplan Salgesch
Together with Extra Landscape Architects we have been selected to develop a spatial masterplan for the village of Salgesch!
Inforaum 2/2020
Inforaum 2/2020
Our spatial development concept for the small community of Münchwilen is considered as a model for other village communities. Article about the project and its development process.
Future public transport, Zurich
Future public transport, Zurich
With Metron Traffic Planners we have been selected to develop the vision 2050 for the public transport of Zürich!
Lucerne, main station
Lucerne, main station
The integral reconstruction of the main station of Lucerne (180'000 passengers / day) and its station district is one the largest and most complex traffic infrastructure and urban development projects of Switzerland. VDW won the tender and is one of the selected test-study teams!
1st prize Crypto site in Steinhausen!
1st prize Crypto site in Steinhausen!
With Axess Architects, Leutwyler Partner and Hager we have won the competition for the development of the Crypto site in Steinhausen!
Article about the international urbanism competition Ronquoz21 in Sion, one of the most important urban development projects in the French-speaking part of Switzerland.
High rise building strategy, Herzogenbuchsee
High rise building strategy, Herzogenbuchsee
We have won the tender for the development of a high-rise building strategy for the town of Herzogenbuchsee!
RES Ostermundigen
RES Ostermundigen
The municipal council approved the spatial development strategy!
Development vision, Bakuriani GE
Development vision, Bakuriani GE
For the Georgian ski resort of Bakuriani in the Lesser Caucasus region, VDW and EGIS are working on an urban development vision as part of the multimodal transport strategy.
Bern-Mittelland AP4
Bern-Mittelland AP4
Public participation agglomeration program 4th generation for the region of Berne-Mittelland. With Ecoptima, Metron and Ecoplan we developed the integral regional vision and development strategies.
Spatial Development Strategy Horw
Spatial Development Strategy Horw
The participation process for the spatial development concept of Horw has started!
Magazine Ruimte 44
Magazine Ruimte 44
Special issue “The urban region”, article “De Zwitserse Agglomeratieprogramma’s” by Han van de Wetering about the state of the agglomeration programs in Switzerland.
Urserntal 2040
Urserntal 2040
Test study Urserntal 2040: VDW is one of the 3 selected teams to develop an urban vision for the alpine touristic region Urserntal.
Workshop talks Swiss Heritage Award 2019, Langenthal
Workshop talks Swiss Heritage Award 2019, Langenthal
Workshop Talks about urban development of Langenthal, panel discussion and presentation on 12.12. by Roman Hanimann about the Garden City Agglomeration of Langenthal.
Urban structure plan town center of Lyss
Urban structure plan town center of Lyss
Public participation and conference (2.12.) concerning the high-rise building strategy and the development concept for the city center.
Test study economic development site Sisslerfeld
Test study economic development site Sisslerfeld
VDW is one of the invited teams!
Dialogue process, A5 Motorway, Biel
Dialogue process, A5 Motorway, Biel
The expert reports provide important information on the handling of large transport infrastructures in a dense urban context. Article in Bieler Tagblatt.
Communal urban masterplan, Emmen
Communal urban masterplan, Emmen
Approval by the municipal council!
Village center of Anières GE
Village center of Anières GE
We are invited to develop ideas for the redesign of the public spaces in the village of Anières.
Urban boulevard B14, Stuttgart
Urban boulevard B14, Stuttgart
Together with traffic engineers of Basler Hofmann we are invited by Aufbruch Stuttgart and the IHK to develop a vision to transform the innercity motorway B14 into an urban boulevard.
Forum Raumentwicklung 1/2019
Forum Raumentwicklung 1/2019
Theme "Building and Landscape": Article by Han van de Wetering about the new landscape-oriented spatial planning in Switzerland.
Masterplan Luzernerstrasse, Sempach
Masterplan Luzernerstrasse, Sempach
As part of the revision of the zoning plan we have developed the masterplan for the Luzernerstrasse, the most important access road of the town along the shores of Lake Sempach.
International Bauforum Hamburg 2019
International Bauforum Hamburg 2019
Avenues, boulevards, high streets, paseaos, magistrals: VDW is one of the 13 selected international offices to develop, within an interdisciplinary team, visions for the 7 main traffic corridors of the city of Hamburg.
Spatial development strategy Münchwilen
Spatial development strategy Münchwilen
The municipal council approved the spatial development strategy!
Office excursion Lviv and rural surroundings
Office excursion Lviv and rural surroundings
From 11th to 14th of July
Stadtraumkonzept Zug
Stadtraumkonzept Zug
As part of the new communal structure plan and planning revision, the city of Zug developed the "Stadtraumkonzept". It defines the guidelines for a qualitative, contextual urban development.
Collage 2/2019
Collage 2/2019
Last year we won the Swiss Urbanism Award ("Stadtlandpreis"): article about the awarded project, the positive aspects of traffic in dynamic urban areas and first realisations.
Urbanität der Kleinstädte
Urbanität der Kleinstädte
Series of lectures architecture, Bern University of Applied Sciences: lecture by Han van de Wetering, 9th of april in Burgdorf.
FHNW, Master Course’s Architecture
FHNW, Master Course’s Architecture
Roman Hanimann is guest lecturer, lectures about new planning instruments for a qualitative development of suburban communities.
Town center Kehrsatz, 1st. prize!
Town center Kehrsatz, 1st. prize!
VDW will develop the masterplan for the new town center and station district of Kehrsatz!
Development historic core, village of Hitzkirch
Development historic core, village of Hitzkirch
With Burkhalter Derungs we win the tender for the development of a future-oriented village center for Hitzkirch!
De stad van morgen
De stad van morgen
Documentary by the Belgian public television VRT about housing in the city of tomorrow with a contribution by VDW concerning cooperative housing districts in Zurich.
Participation town center Niederwangen
Participation town center Niederwangen
Participation process for the urban development project "Town center and station district of Niederwangen" in Köniz.
Atuprix 2018
Atuprix 2018
Award building culture canton of Berne Atuprix 2018 for the urban development concept (STEK) of Berne!
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen Nr. 10
Werk, Bauen + Wohnen Nr. 10
Debate development of rural suburban communities: article "Mehr Städtebau in der Ortsplanung" by Roman Hanimann about new orientations in town planning for a qualitative development of rural suburban communities.
Vision Urban Region Cologne-Bonn
Vision Urban Region Cologne-Bonn
Presentation of the urban development visions for the region of Cologne-Bonn (4 Mio. Inhabitants), 13th of september 2018 at the Max Ernst Museum in Brühl.
Museum District Berne
Museum District Berne
Together with Bogner Knoll we develop the urban design masterplan for the Kirchenfeld Museum District in Berne, one of the largest and most visited cultural hubs of Switzerland.
Swiss Landscape Congress
Swiss Landscape Congress
Conference by Han van de Wetering about new planning instruments focussed on landscape and open space.
Urban vision Emmen, 1st. prize!
Urban vision Emmen, 1st. prize!
We have won the competition for the urban development vision for the community of Emmen! (collaboration with mrs, Fahrni and HSLU).
Urban development line Prospect Kotsyubinskoho, Vinnytsia
Urban development line Prospect Kotsyubinskoho, Vinnytsia
Public participation for the future of the Kotsyubinskoho Prospect: exposition of the results of the first test study in Ukraine!
New Streetscape Scherbakivskoho, Kyiv
New Streetscape Scherbakivskoho, Kyiv
Great response final presentation redesign of the Scherbakivskoho Street in Kyiv / presentation by Han van de Wetering about „Future Urban Mobility and Street Design“!
Future urban mobility 3Land Basel
Future urban mobility 3Land Basel
Presentation of our integral urban development and mobility study (collaboration with Kontextplan and Rapp) for the tri-national district 3Land. More information on our website!
Swiss Urban Design Award, second prize as well!
Swiss Urban Design Award, second prize as well!
In addition to the Stadtlandpreis 2018, together with SKK we are also awarded for the project "Zukunft Landschaft" of the region AR, SG, Bodensee, Wil!
Swiss Urban Design Award 2018!
Swiss Urban Design Award 2018!
We won the Swiss Urban Design Award 2018!
Office trip outskirts of Paris, 8-10.6
Office trip outskirts of Paris, 8-10.6
Forum Traffic and Urban Planning, Köniz
Forum Traffic and Urban Planning, Köniz
Presentation by Han van de Wetering and Ueli Weber about future main streets in cities and villages.
Summer School Kyiv Urban Streets
Summer School Kyiv Urban Streets
Han van de Wetering and Urs Thomann are curators of the Kyiv Summer School about „New Streets for urban Qualities and Mobility“, 2 - 6 july 2018.
Réqualification du centre, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
Réqualification du centre, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne
Test study "Réqualification du centre, Mont-sur-Lausanne":we are one of the 3 chosen teams!
Public transport network strategy, urban region of Berne
Public transport network strategy, urban region of Berne
With Infras and 3B we've won the tender to develop an integral strategy public transport and urban development!
Career forum city planning, HSR Rapperswil
Career forum city planning, HSR Rapperswil
Debat about the change of city planning profession, Han van de Wetering talks about new challenges (interaction urbanism - mobility, digitization, participation).
Regional development concept Wiesental GER
Regional development concept Wiesental GER
VDW wins the tender for the regional development concept Wiesental in Germany. Collaboration with Kontextplan.
Structure plan 2.0, Ostermundigen
Structure plan 2.0, Ostermundigen
We've won the tender for the development of the urban development strategy for the town of Ostermundigen! Collaboration with mrs, Panorama and Lorenz Eugster.
Agglomeration concept Cologne - Bonn
Agglomeration concept Cologne - Bonn
At the intermediate presentation in Leverkusen the first concept ideas for the development of the Cologne-Bonn urban region were presented and discussed. More information on the project office website.
REK Sempach
REK Sempach
The spatial development concept (REK) for the town of Sempach was approved by the city council!
8.3.2018: Panel discussion "Values in suburban areas"
8.3.2018: Panel discussion
Presentation by Han van de Wetering about the importance of added values of densification for the population.
Street and traffic 12/2017
Street and traffic 12/2017
Article "Zurück zur Prachtstrasse": How can main traffic roads be transformed into attractive urban life lines?
Collage Nr. 6, 2017
Collage Nr. 6, 2017
Article by Han van de Wetering and Roman Hanimann about new spatial planning instruments in order to improve the qualities of public space and landscape.
Town centre Gümligen, 1st. prize!
Town centre Gümligen, 1st. prize!
Urban restructuration of the Lischenmoos industrial area; public arena thursday 14.12.
Conference about innovative planning projects: our projects urban boulevard and high-rise building strategy of Dietikon are nominated for the Swiss Urbanism Award (Stadtlandpreis) and will be presented by Han van de Wetering.
Spatial guidelines Ostermundigen
Spatial guidelines Ostermundigen
Ostermundigen is as well an urban district, a small town as a village! As part of a participation process our vision and plans for three urban hotspots show different possibilities for a qualitative densification. More information on the project website!
Het Rotterdams Woongenootschap
Het Rotterdams Woongenootschap
Der „Stadmakerscongres 2017“ war Startschuss für die Konkretisierung des ersten genossenschaftlichen Wohnbauprojekts in Rotterdam. Aktuelle Informationen auf der Projektwebsite!
Test study Kehrsatz-Mitte
Test study Kehrsatz-Mitte
With Hager and B&S we will elaborate an urban design project for the strategic development area Kehrsatz-Mitte.
Conference VSS "Guide for the design of main streets in built-up areas"
Conference VSS
Presentation by Han van de Wetering "Grand Boulevard revisited: new design guidelines for inner city main streets"
City axes, Zurich
City axes, Zurich
The treatment of inner city main streets is one of the most complex themes in urbanism. With the concept Urban Spaces 2040 the city of Zurich makes it a strategic issue of urban development. Within this project, Han van de Wetering is expert for the integral design of main streets.
Stadmakerscongres Rotterdam
Stadmakerscongres Rotterdam
Project „Het Rotterdams Woongenootschap“: Han van de Wetering talks about socio-spatial urbanism and new developments in cooperative housing in Switzerland.
Collage Nr. 5, 2017
Collage Nr. 5, 2017
Theme "Mobility: Quo vadis?": article about the mobility strategy for the Rhine Valley of St. Gallen.
Redesign Arbon town centre
Redesign Arbon town centre
Article about the redesign of public spaces in the historic centre of Arbon
Metron Themenheft 33
Metron Themenheft 33
Article "Future mobility in compact cities and villages: simple solutions for a complex problem" by Han van de Wetering, regarding public transport and pedestrian traffic as traffic modes for future compact attractive towns.
Metron congress 2017 "Pulbic transport as backbone for urban development"
Metron congress 2017
Presentation by Han van de Wetering "Future mobility for compact cities and villages: simple solutions for a complex problem"
1st. prize test study "Business District Ebnat West"
1st. prize test study
Based on our urban design for the business district of Ebnat West in Schaffhausen a masterplan will be developped.
City vision 2050, Zug
City vision 2050, Zug
Article in Stadtmagazin Zug about our urban development strategy.
Vision Urban Region Rorschach
Vision Urban Region Rorschach
At 30.8.2017 the canton of St. Gallen and the communities of the urban region of Rorschach presented the new urban development concept for over 650 interested persons.
Urban Corso Vinnytsia
Urban Corso Vinnytsia
VdW is commissioned for the organisation of a test study for the urban space Prospect Kotsyubinskoho in Vinnytisa, Ukraine.
SVI-conference "Mobility and urban densification"
Presentation "Urban qualities and mobility" by Han van de Wetering about traffic in the compact, attractive city of the future.
Motorway A6 Bypass-East, Berne
Motorway A6 Bypass-East, Berne
With 3B architects, Weber Brönnimann and Vogt we are commissioned for the design and urban development concept for the new motorway bypass in the eastern urban region of Berne.
Regional development vision Cologne-Bonn
Regional development vision Cologne-Bonn
VDW is one of the 4 chosen international teams to develop a development vision for the dense urban region of Cologne - Bonn!
Ostermundigen, urban infill strategy
Ostermundigen, urban infill strategy
For the dynamic suburban community of Ostermundigen we will develop a qualitative urban infill strategy
REK Sempach
REK Sempach
Presentation of the spatial development concept for the small town of Sempach at 27.6.2017, start of the participation process.
Werk Bauen Wohnen Nr. 5
Werk Bauen Wohnen Nr. 5
In his article "Masterpläne statt Eignungsgebiete" Han van de Wetering writes about the problems of conventional high rise building strategies and pleads for simple but precise concept.
Hochparterre Wettbewerbe 2.2017
Hochparterre Wettbewerbe 2.2017
Article "Mägenwils Mut zur inneren Verdichtung" about our Masterplan for the small town of Mägenwil.
Werk Bauen Wohnen Nr. 4.2017
Werk Bauen Wohnen Nr. 4.2017
Article "Mittellandrealismus - Wettbewerb Sandfoore" about ambitious planning in rural regions, with our Masterplan for the centre of Mägenwil as example.
Competition Felix Platter Area, Basel
Competition Felix Platter Area, Basel
We are one of the selected teams for "Wohnen und Mehr", one of the most ambitious urban design an cooperative housing projects in Basel!
Weyer West, Bern